Friday, September 28, 2018

Mahi Toi ~ Nā Te Taonga

Kia ora, ko Te Taonga tōku ingoa, e whitu ōku tau.

In mahi toi we have been learning all about Matisse. It was kind of hard because we had to cut out lots of shapes. I learned how to cut out organic shapes, and repeating shapes. 

It was fun making shapes with our buddies. I was buddies with Yazmin and we made good ideas with each other. 

Please give me some arotakenga.

Mihi aroha ki a koutou, Te Taonga :-)

Mahi Toi ~ Nā Tama

Kia ora, ko Tama tōku ingoa.

We were learning about Matisse, the artist in Mahi Toi with Whaea Katrina.

We had to make some shapes. The shapes were negative, organic, positive, geometric, and repeating. 
It was hard cutting out the negative shapes, it took 5 tries. I made my own shapes too like lightening and spikes. 

I hope you give me some feedback down below. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Pānui - Kōiwi ~ Nā Emily

Kia ora, ko Emily tōku ingoa. E whitu ōku tau.

In pānui we have been learning about kōiwi. We had to watch some kiriata. We had to do some pānui and answer some pātai.

My favourite part was writing the facts. Please give me some arotakenga.

He waka eke noa.

Pānui - Koiwi ~ Nā Nevaeh

Kia ora, ko Nevaeh tōku ingoa. E whitu ōku tau.

In pānui we have been learning about koiwi. We had to watch kiriata. We also got ideas from our padlet. We had to put facts about koiwi on a slide. 

I feel good about my koiwi. You can give me some arotakenga. 

Kia kaha te reo Māori.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Kōiwi - Nā Te Taonga

Kia ora, ko Te Taonga tōku ingoa.

We have been learning about kōiwi. For Pānui we have been hearing and reading facts on videos, and in pānui. 

It was pretty hard to put the facts on the slide because sometimes we didn't know how to spell words and I had to ask Emily. 

Please give me some arotakenga. 

He waka eke noa. 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Haerenga mō te Wiki o te Reo Māori - Nā Maunga reading group

I tērā wiki ko te Wiki o te Reo Māori.
I haere mātou ki te whare taonga me te papa takaro hoki.
E haere mātou mā runga i tetahi pahi. I haere mātou ki te whare taonga, katahi ka haere mātou kei te papa takaro o Margaret Mahy.
He pai ki a mātou te kōrero Māori me ngā manu ataahua.
He tino pai ki a mātou te pokiha-rere (flying fox)!

Titiro ki ēnei pikitia!

Nā Maunga - ko Shaun mātou, ko Mikaere, ko Arabella, ko Kaeden, ko Marino hoki.

Ko Marino te Kaituhi

Kōiwi - Nā Carez

Kia ora, ko Carez tōku ingoa. E whitu ōku tau. 

We had to watch videos about koiwi and grab facts form the videos. We put them on to a slide. 

I was nervous putting my facts on the slide because I knew we were going to put them on the blog. 

You could give me some feedback so I can work on stuff. 

He waka eke noa! Kia kaha te reo Māori!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Kaupapa - Tōku tinana - Kirimoko - Nā Mikaere!

Kia ora, ko Mikaere tōku ingoa. Nau mai haere mai ki tāku pōhi. 

I have been working on Kirimoko.  I had to make a slide with 10 facts on my slide. But I used BookCreator. 

Homai tō arotakenga. 

Ko te tūmanako I hope you like it!

He waka eke noa!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tōku Tinana - Kōiwi - Nā Shaun

Ko Shaun tōku ingoa. 

This term we have been learning all about kōiwi. He tino rawe te mahi. Ētahi wā, i whakatika ahau i ngā meka. Ētahi wā he tino uaua. 

Hōmai tō arotakenga. 

Kia kaha te reo Māori!

Tōku Tinana ~ Kōiwi ~ Marino

Tēnā koutou, ko Marino tōku ingoa. 

He akona ahau e pā ana ki te kōiwi. I tuhia ahau tekau ngā meka.  We made a Slide to put our facts on. It was hard to find the facts.

Hōmai tō arotakenga.

Rurea, taitea, kia tū ko taikākā anake.
Strip away the bark and expose the heartwood. 

Tōku tinana ~ Kōiwi ~ Kaeden

Ko Kaeden tōku ingoa.

I did a slide of skeleton facts. We had to make 10 facts on the slide. We had to watch kiriata to figure out what our facts were. It was tricky to figure out what our facts were going to be cos sometimes we made mistakes and had to re-do it. 

Ehara taku toa he toa takitahi, engari taku toa he toa takitini.

I hope you have feedback so I can get information for next time.

Tōku Tinana ~ Kōiwi ~ Nā Mikaere

Kia ora, ko Mikaere tōku ingoa. 

Welcome to my blogpost. In Rūma 4 we have been learning about kōiwi and my group had to write 10 facts about the skeleton (kōiwi). I used GoogleSlides to create my facts and I hope you like them.
Please leave me some feedback.

Kia pai tō rā!

Korihi mai te manu, takiri mai te ata, ka ao, ka ao, ka awatea. Tihei mauri ora!

Tōku Tinana ~ Kōiwi ~ Nā Arabella

Tēnā koutou katoa. Ko Arabella tōku ingoa. 
In pānui we have been learning all about the body. 
I learned about the skeleton. 
Please give me some arotakenga. 

Kia kaha te reo Māori!

Ngā mihi. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Tōku Tinana - Pukapuka - Lungs! Nā Marino

Kia ora, ko Marino tōku ingoa. 

We have being doing a kaupapa about Tōku Tinana. 
I have been learning about the lungs. Here are things you can do with your lungs, facts about your lungs, parts of the lungs and why my lungs are amazing. 
Homai tō arotakenga.

Rurea, taitea, kia tū ko taikākā anake.
Strip away the bark and expose the heartwood.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Kaupapa - Tōku Tīnana! - Kirimoko - Nā Shaun

Kia ora koutou. Ko Shaun tōku ingoa.

In kaupapa I have been learning about kirimoko (skin). It was kind of hard because sometimes I would make mistakes and I would try to fix them up.

I created this slide. In my first quarter I wrote down the Māori words for 'I can..." 
In my second quarter I wrote some meka (facts) about skin. 
In my third quarter I had to find a picture of the skin layers and I got to choose which one I wanted.
In my fourth quarter I wrote why my skin is amazing.

 He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai. Homai te arotakenga.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Kaeden - Tā Moko - Pānui

Kia ora, Ko Kaeden tōku ingoa!

In Pānui we've been learning all about Mataora and Niwareka. We had to find 10 facts about Mataora and Niwareka. It was really hard to find the facts because we had to do lots of work. 
We tried our best. 

I hope you learn something about my slide. Please give some feedback so I can do better next time. 

Ko te piki o te māhuri, tērā te tupu o te rākau.

If you tap the picture you can read the facts better.

Arabella - Tā Moko - Pānui

Ko Arabella tōku ingoa. 

In pānui I watched kiriata and read the stories about Mataora and Niwareka and Tā Moko. Then I made a slide of tā moko facts. 

Homai tō arotakenga! 

Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Shaun - Tā Moko & Mataora and Niwareka - Pānui

Kia ora tamariki. Ko Shaun tōku ingoa.

For pānui we have been learning all about Tā Moko, and Mataora and Niwareka. In my group we had to think carefully about our facts. We looked at some really cool docs to find them. It was very hard because sometimes we would make mistakes. 

Please give me some feedback so I can get some good ideas. 

Ahakoa he iti, he poumanu. 

Marino - Tā Moko - Mahi Pānui

Kia ora, Ko Marino tōku ingoa. 

In pānui my group has been learning about Tā Moko and Mataora and Niwareka. We had to make a slide and share 10 facts. We watched kiriata and sites to find all these facts. 

Homai tō arotakenga. Please give me some feedback. 

Rurea, taitea, kia tū ko taikākā anake. 
Strip away the bark and expose the heartwood.

Mikaere - The story of Mataora rāua ko Niwareka and Tā Moko - Māori Tatooing

Kia ora, ko Mikaere tōku ingoa.

In pānui we have been learning all about Mataora and Niwareka. Mataora and Niwareka are two people that loved each other. In rūma 4 we have been learning about tā moko. Mataora was the first person to ever find out about tā moko. 

I created a slide about Mataora and Niwareka. We had to write 10 facts and find a picture to put in the middle. Here is my slide. 

Homai te arotakenga. Give me some feedback please. Thank you for looking at my slide.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Pāngarau - Ngā Hautau! Fractions!

Tēnā koutou katoa. Welcome to our Blogpost and Rūma 4s fractions. 

We did a wero (challenge) about ngā haurau (fractions). We had to work out what 1/2 was. We had to figure out the meaning of a 1/2 and 1/4. We had to fold pieces of paper, pour some water, and figure out halves of porowhita (circle), block towers, and shapes. We had to fill up half of a box, count fake money, and cut play-dough in half. We had to be problem solvers and critical thinkers while we were doing the wero. 

Here are some photos down below of us doing our wero. Thank you for coming to look at Rūma 4s fractions. Please give us some whakaaro (ideas). Ka Kite.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Learn ~ Create ~ Share

Here are some pics of us sharing our learning and creating about Pā with some special people in our
Hornby Primary School whānau. 

We chose to share our mahi with Mr Roberts, Kersten, Room 2,  and our tuakana, Rūma 3. 

We told our manuhiri how we had been Critical Thinkers, and Problem Solvers throughout the kaupapa.

Ngā mihi :-D

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Shikya and Misty-Rose ~ Hāngaia te Pā!

Have a look at our Pā that we made this term!

April and Arabella ~ Hāngaia te Pā!

Check out our Pā we made this term! 
We would love some feedback!

Mikaere and Kaeden ~ Hāngaia te Pā!

Kia ora koutou, tītiro ki tā māua Pā! Have a look at our Pā!

Marino and Shaun ~ Hāngaia te Pā!

Tītiro ki tā māua Pā - Check out our Pā we made! 

Jack, Narteiau, and Tama ~ Hāngaia te Pā!

Check out our Pā we made this term!

Carez and Roy ~ Hāngaia te Pā!

Here is our Pā we made! Check it out!

Friday, July 6, 2018

He Rā Tino Mīharo! Rāapa 4th July

On Rāapa 4th July, we had a super fun day. We had manuhiri visit us from Te Waka Unua kura. We also ate lots of delicious kai, and had a fun afternoon reward for the whole school. 
Here are some things we liked best about the day.

Yesterday my whole entire class we got to meet a school. Their school was called Te Waka Unua. It was a long day for me and my class. I got to have a fun day as well. It was a fun day for my class.
Nā Nevaeh.

Inanahi Te Waka Unua school showed us some cool songs and a haka and so did Hornby Primary! I thought that was cool. We also had a lunch club shout! Haha, it was scrumptious. Nā Mikaere

Inanahi te kurā katōa had rā rekareka. I takaro ahau, māua ko AJ i te beyblades. We had Acid Anubis. Anubis is the best defense type. Nā Marino